Saturday, 18 january 2025


Information on entities offering volunteering opportunities in Dénia follows below. Contact them directly for more information or to collaborate with them.

966 467 050

  • 966 467 050
  • Calle Ronda de las Murallas

  • 965 781 358
  • C/ Castell d'Olimbroi, 3

  • 690 215 147
  • C/ Manuel Sanchis Guarner, 7
Salvation Army

Salvation Army

In Dénia, the Salvation Army counts with a centre for retreats and conferences in Torrecarrals since over 30 years ago. Its facilities are used by groups from Germany and other European countries and Spaniards, of course, and many locals of Dénia for celebrating Birthday parties, retreats, or simply to enjoy an extraordinary place.

Currently, the Salvation Army in Dénia offers religious services and social projects that enable many families and persons in need who are alone to have food available. It has a soup kitchen open on weekends, so that families and persons without resources will have their needs met. Social food aid is complemented by, as resources permit, the distribution of clothing, payment of bills, medication, gas, among others.

It has a support group for women with different activities, bringing together women from different social levels with their different social problems, like abuse, solitude and trafficking, etc.

People also contact the Salvation Army for other reasons, not only to request social aid, but also for spiritual guidance, advice, direction, friendship, or a meeting point.

Anyone can volunteer in our variety of programmes.

How to collaborate.

If you wish to collaborate with us, you may do so by:

Dedicating your time as a Volunteer, donating non-perishable food items, blankets, sleeping bags, clothes and shoes, personal hygiene materials (soap, shampoo, etc.), textbooks and school materials, new toys for children in need during Christmas, sponsoring a child or by contributing a monetary, tax-deductible donation.

Voluntariat pel Valencià
966 467 007
Voluntariat pel Valencià

Voluntariat pel Valencià

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