Tuesday, 22 october 2024

Official vocational training

What is it?

It is the whole of educational courses regulated by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, and by the Autonomous Communities, through which valid academic and professional titles and certifications are earned.

Official vocational training is classified into three levels: Initial Vocational Training, Intermediate Vocational Training y Higher Vocational Training. You may consult all of the vocational training options in this table or the options by level below.



1. Initial vocational training

1.1. Initial Professional Qualification Programmes (P.F.C.B):
  • Access requirements:
    • Age between 16-21 years and not having graduated from secondary obligatory schooling (ESO).
  • Duration:
    • 1 academic term (960 h).
  • Title:
    • Basic level academic certificate.
  • Where:
    • Creama Dénia.

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1.2. Initial Vocational Training Courses:
  • Access requirements:
    • Age between 15-17 years and having completed the first ESO course or, exceptionally, the second ESO course, and a proposal for inclusion in the training by the student's high school professors.
  • Duration:
    • 2 academic terms (2000h).
  • Title:
    • Initial Vocational Training.
  • Where:
    • IES María Ibars and IES No.3

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2. Intermediate vocational training courses

  • Access requirements:
    • Holder of the Initial Vocational Training Title or graduate of ESO or higher academic level.
    • Holder of a title as Technician or Auxiliary Technician, or the equivalent, for academic purposes.
    • Completion of the second BUP (unified, general-purpose Baccalaureate) course.
    • A passing score on the access examination to intermediate vocational training courses (a minimum age of 17 is required to take this test).
    • A passing score on the access examination to University studies for students over the age of 25 years.
  • Duration:
    • Variable, depending on the specialisation, between 1,400 and 2,000 hours.
  • Title:
    • Technician.
  • Where
    • IES Historiador Chabás (Institute of Secondary Education)
    • IES Maria Ibars (Institute of Secondary Education)
    • FP Impakto (private vocational training centre)

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3. Higher vocational training courses

  • Access requirements:
    • Holder of the Baccalaureate Degree or certification accrediting the completion of Baccalaureate studies
    • Completion of the second term of any type of experimental Baccalaureate.
    • Holder of the Title as Technician (Intermediate Vocational Training) *. * If the demand for admission exceeds the number of available slots, admission procedures may be established.
    • Holder of a title of Higher Vocational Training, Specialist Technician or the equivalent, for academic purposes.
    • Having completed the University Orientation Course (COU).
    • Holder of the any University degree, or equivalent.
    • A passing score on the access examination to higher vocational training courses (a minimum age of 19 is required to take this test, or age of 18 for those holding the Title of Technician).
    • A passing score on the access examination to University studies for students over the age of 25 years.
  • Duration:
    • 2 academic terms.
  • Title:
    • Higher level Technician.
  • Where
    • IES Historiador Chabás (Institute of Secondary Education)
    • IES María Ibars (Institute of Secondary Education)

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All courses

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