Saturday, 22 february 2025

Technical Secretariat

The MEC Technical Secretariat, led by CREAMA-Dénia as the delegated body of the Dénia City Council, offers technical and administrative support and is in charge of Committee activity operations under the authority and direction of the City Council.


Technical Secretariat Duties

- Administrative support tasks:
  • Management of everything related with the calls to meetings of the Committee and its sub-workgroups.
  • Any other tasks as required and delegated by the City Council.
- Technical support tasks:
  • Participation of technical staff specialised in the issues to be addressed by each sub-workgroup. These technical personnel contribute mentoring, technical support and supervision of each theme's operational aspects.
  • Guarantee of monitoring mechanisms of Committee activities, drafting of meeting minutes, proposals, and reports for follow-up, evaluation and justification by the City Council of the Committee.
  • Dissemination of Committee activities to media, in collaboration with the City Council Press Office.
  • Any other tasks as required and those delegated by the City Council.



  • Creama Dénia
  • C/ 9 d'Octubre s/n
  • 96 642 37 04

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