Tuesday, 22 october 2024

Job offers

A list of links to entities and job search sites dedicated to employment mediation services follows below. As regards the portals, it is important that you keep in mind that many others exist, and that some require you to register in the site to access the job offers.


Job Offer management, putting in contact job seekers with companies offering employment. The following link displays published offers, but remember that many more offers are managed directly using the database. You must be registered to access these; if you are not registered, request an appointment at your Creama Agency

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LABORA is a body of the Generalitat Valenciana (regional government) that offers job mediation services by managing job offers, among other activities. To access its offers, you must be registered as a job seeker. All of its offers are published in the following link

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CdT Jobs

Job offers in the tourism sector of the Generalitat Valenciana, managed through its network of Tourism Development Centres. To access these offers, you must have been a student in one of its courses

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Job search portal specialised in Spain's job market.

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A company that offers human resource selection services and temporary employment, among other services. Access its job search engine in the following link.

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Job search engine offering information on offers published in the Internet.

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Classified job search engine that includes job offers.

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Job search portal for persons with disabilities.

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