Saturday, 22 february 2025

What is the MEC?

The Municipal Employment Committee (MEC) is a participatory, consulting, advisory, decision-making and executory body of employment-related activities in the city of Dénia, led by the Dénia City Council.


Objectives of the MEC

Create a long-term and efficient structure through which the different participating entities and professionals may propose, develop and evaluate employment-related projects, and coordinate their actions, to optimise the existing resources for employment.


How to become a MEC member?

Contact the Technical Secretariat and complete the FMEC Membership Form.


What does MEC membership entail?

Membership entails playing a role in this participatory body, proposing ideas and making contributions to each of the Committee's proposed activities.

Currently, Committee activities are grouped into 4 sub-workgroups:

  1. Training.
  2. Job Placement for Disadvantaged Groups.
  3. Enterprise-Entrepreneurship.
  4. Public sector employment, social clauses, agreements with local businesses


MEC regulations

The Regulations of the Municipal Employment Committee were published in the Official Bulletin of the Province of Alicante number 2, dated 5 January 2016, developing its 16 articles: Denomination, Purpose and Functions (title I), Organisational Structure and Operations (title II) and General Provisions (title III).

Download the MEC regulations in PDF format.


Diagnosis and analysis of the regional sociolaboural system of Dénia

The presentation of the Report "DIAGNOSIS AND ANALYSIS OF DÉNIA'S SOCIOLABOURAL SYSTEM" Phase I, carried out by the associated centre of the UNED (National Distance Education University), was presented on 16 May 2016 at the Plenary Room of the Dénia City Council. In the words of the Mayor Vicent Grimalt, this study "must serve to know our current situation and the impact of future actions to be implemented by the Committee".

The study's main conclusion highlights that, though existing training is adequate in response to the town's needs, some unmet needs have been detected in other professions. The analysis confirms that the city's economy is mostly driven by tourism, and proposes reflecting on the weaknesses inherent to relying on such a volatile sector that depends on strategic, geopolitical decisions made elsewhere.

The technology level of companies is detected as "weak", suggesting the need for related training. The diagnosis also added that the combination of transportation and roads for accessing Dénia from other towns of the region are an obstacle to favouring access to training and, in particular, to employment.

Download the "Diagnosis and Analysis of the Regional Sociolaboural System of Dénia" in PDF format.

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